
Showing posts from April, 2012

Peter Heckmann and Yucca Rose - REVEAL - Art Installation for W-Hotel Bali

Slideshow outlining the original REVEAL Art Installation by Peter Heckmann & Yucca Rose as designed and performed for a VIP Special Event during the W-Hotel and Spa Bali Grand Opening ceremonies in July 2011.  First installment - W-Hotel, Bali: Contemporary Art Installation for W-Hotel, Bali entitled "Reveal (Seen-Unseen)". All performers are hidden behind screens or fabric depicting the different worlds/realizations according to Balinese Hinduism (Human-Gods).  The basic geometrical elements - square, triangle and circle - are also used in the Balinese Hindu "canang sari" (offering baskets). The shapes are placed facing in precise directions and are colored to honor specific gods.  Second installment - Hyatt Hotel, Bali - Commonwealth Tennis Tournament of Champions: A modern theatrical art installation with three of the geometric structures, a group of contemporary dancers, modern break dancers and parcour performers  This pa...

Yucca Rose Sketches - Padamu Negeri (To My Country)

A slideshow showcasing some of my sketches on colored paper (2011) for the Padamu Negeri Art Installation - featuring various cultural scenes (mostly dancers and musicians) from the major Indonesian islands Java, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Papua and Sulawesi.  The song is a traditional Balinese folk song called Bibi Rangda , here presented in a modern interpretation by Peter Heckmann - available at: Bandcamp

Yucca Rose Paintings (Music: Ceritakan Tentang Cinta feat. Yucca Rose)

A slideshow showcasing some of Yucca Rose paintings (2002-2012) - set to the demo track of the song " Ceritakan Tentang Cinta " (music: Rudi Hutagaol / lyrics: Yucca Rose and Roy Irawan - newly mixed and remastered by Peter Heckmann), which is now featured on Major Seventh's new album named " Eastern Sunrise " and on the new Yucca Rose compilation album " Wir haben Spass ". More paintings may be found at: Visit the official web site at: