Peter Heckmann - The Making Of Regalia - The Enchanted Forest - Part 2

The three part clip series focuses on the creation (from initial sketches to final realization) of Regalia - The Enchanted Forest, a theatrical show, which was created by Peter Heckmann for a Gala Event and Premiere at the Bali Theatre (Bali Safari Park) on June 4th, 2011.

This second segment begins with the original sketches and initial ideas designed by Yucca Rose and then ends with the full realization and presentation of the show.

Show Story: A romantic love story set in the surreal and mystical environment of the Enchanted Forest of Regalia - a moving tale of the intricate intertwining between the Human World and Nature’s creatures and the delicate balance and harmony with the ever present Spiritual World as told in Indonesian folklore tradition, yet interpreted in a new and exciting modern way.


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